Join us today as we commemorate Maundy Thursday with communion and a special presentation from Aaron Abramson of Jews for Jesus. Aaron will be sharing with us "Christ in the Passover."
LCC welcomes to the world, William James Clark weighing in at 7 lbs. 8 oz and 20" long. Mom and baby are doing well.
William is the grandson of LCC Elder, Bill and his wife Kathyrn Clark. Our hearty congratulations and gratefulness to God go out to the entire Clark family!
LCC welcomes to the world, William James Clark weighing in at 7 lbs. 8 oz and 20" long. Mom and baby are doing well.
William is the grandson of LCC Elder, Bill and his wife Kathyrn Clark. Our hearty congratulations and gratefulness to God go out to the entire Clark family!
As believers our hope, our help and our power to make it in life come from God. In our new series, "I Must Pray" you'll receive knowledge and advice on how to tap into this often overlooked resource. Don't miss it!