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NIGHT OF VISION & WORSHIP - October 28 at 6:00 pm (Nursery provided)
CLOTHING CONNECTION: CLICK HERE for information and to sign up to help.
If this video is not appearing correctly, CLICK HERE to watch on YouTube.
NIGHT OF VISION & WORSHIP - October 28 at 6:00 pm (Nursery provided)
CLOTHING CONNECTION: CLICK HERE for information and to sign up to help.
One of the best next steps, that we can
make as believers is to take the plunge into baptism. As a matter of fact, we are called to believe
AND be baptized. If you have never been
baptized why don’t you sign up now for our next beach baptism. It will take place at 3:00 pm, October 7 at Burkes Beach, Hilton Head Island.
If you are ready for this next important step in your journey, visit lowcountrycc.org. Or, if you have questions about baptism, call Pastor Bob Calhoun at 843.836.1101
NEW WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY - Begins September 24
This eight week video-based Bible study, The Life Ready Woman: Thriving in a Do-It-All World, shows women they can have balance, peace, and joy by discovering God’s blueprint for their lives. There are two sessions from which to choose: Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:15 pm & Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Cost is $20 for the book. Online pre-registration required by September 17 at lowcountrycc.org. Child care is available for a small additional fee.
Beginning September 24 and running through November 5, LCC will host two short-term Bible studies relating to marriage and parenting issues.
•“Higher Love” is an excellent opportunity for couples to develop a God-centered view of their marriage.
•”Single & Parenting” is a program that provides biblical insight and tools to help single- parent families.
Visit lowcountrycc.org to register today. Child care is available for a small additional fee.
MEN OF THE BANNER - Thursdays, Beginning September 27 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm
A transformational, life-changing study of who we really are in Christ. Men only. Learn to lead with the power and in the freedom that only God can give. Contact Jimmy at [email protected] for more information and to register.
SIGN UP NOW FOR LCC CORE CLASSES - August 26, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
On August 26 from 4 to 7 pm we are holding our Connect, Grow, Serve & Worship Core Classes. In all our discipleship classes, we delve into God’s Word and discover how to simplify and focus our lives in ways that give them greater meaning and significance. If you are new to LCC, your first step is to attend the Connect Class. There, you will learn LCC’s story and how to become a member. NOTE: The Reach Class will be held Sunday, September 23 at 4 pm.
Register today for any of the five classes by CLICKING HERE.
CLOTHING CONNECTION - Now accepting donations!
You may have heard about our Clothing Connection, because in years past we have “connected” with our community by giving away clothing to thousands of families. Think of the Clothing Connection as a clothing swap. But instead of swapping items the day of the event, we collect the clothes ahead of time.
We are collecting items now for our Clothing Connection which will be held on October 20. Please bring any of your gently used clothing (baby to adult) to our pod in the parking lot anytime from now until mid-October. Also, please help us get the word out by telling your friends and neighbors about our collection too. Visit lowcountrycc.org for all the details.
LCC’s Creative Arts Ministry, is now putting together its next art show that will be held on September 16. This show has an open theme, and is available to all art mediums. Registration deadline is September 2. CLICK HERE for your application and more information.
DATE NIGHT IS BACK - September 1 from 6 to 9 pm. Take advantage of this great, low cost opportunity to get out while your children are in a safe place. CLICK HERE to register.
TEN BUILDING BLOCKS FOR A SOLID FAMILY - Starts March 19. Join us Mondays, beginning March 19 for a six weeks parenting series "Ten Building Blocks for a Solid Family." Learn practical tools to help your family to live, laugh, love and play better as a family. Classes ($15 per family each) will meet at church on Monday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm. The classes start on March 19, and run through April 23. Child care will be provided for $5.00 per child for each week (maximum $10 per family). CLICK HERE for more information and to sign up.
GET TO KNOW YOUR REAL SPOUSE - A Bible Study. Begins March 19 "Who Did You Really Marry?" reveals how even opposites can get along, communicate, and resolve disagreements, and explains the five "love languages" that bring couples closer. You and your spouse will discover how two very different people can "become one" as God intended.
The class is $15 per couple and will meet at church on Monday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm. The classes will start on March 19 and run through April 23. Childcare will be provided for $5 per child (maximum of $10 per family). CLICK HERE for more information or to register.
Is God leading you to travel with us to Guatemala March 17 t0 25, 2012? Here are just a few of the things that we hope to accomplish on this trip:
Feeding ministries – to poor and children
Ministry to prostitutes – medical, encouragement, Bible study, beautification
Compassion ministry to disabled children in the hospital
Building ‘homes’ for a flood ravaged village
We will stay in a very nice Team House, but some nights may be spent in villages close to our construction projects.
Unfortunately, we can only take 12 people, so early registration is critical. Registration is not complete until you have turned in your deposit and application.
Application Deadline: January 22nd (application and $100 non-refundable deposit). Once the team fills up, we will have a waiting list for those who turn in deposits and applications. If an opening does not happen, you will receive your deposit back.
CLICK HERE for complete details and to start the registration process.
Don't forget, Sunday Night at 6:00 pm we will host our Family Tree Lighting. Come out and sing some Christmas carols, eat some cookies and watch the night sky LIGHT UP with wonder and amazement! Don't miss it!
If you, or maybe someone you know, are struggling with anxiety, depression or just loneliness as a result of being separated or divorced, you are not alone and we are here to help.
Tonight at LCC, from 7 to 9 pm, we are hosting a special session of Divorce Care called "Surviving the Holidays." In past years, many people have found this session very helpful in dealing with the new realities that come with being divorced or separated.
Surviving the Holidays is a warm, encouraging and helpful event. Featuring video instruction and group discussion, it will help you deal with the pain or grief you are enduring this holiday season.
Why don't you come tonight, be encouraged and find hope? Call or text Brad 816-7722 or Carol 422-0797 for more information.
BEACH BAPTISM - Thank you!
We hope you were able to make it to our baptism last Sunday. It was a great time of family fun, eating together while listening to great music, AND of course, witnessing 26 people crossing an important milestone in their walk with God to be baptized. Congratulations! Special thanks to Carrabbas Restaurant on Hilton Head Island for donating and catering all the food for this special occasion!
CORE CLASSES (Do the Five) - September 25 at 4:00 p.m.
Go deeper and learn practical ways to live the successful Christian life you’re hoping for. Join us for our next CORE CLASSES, Sunday, September 25 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. We have a class for each of the Five Purposes of LCC. CONNECT, GROW, SERVE, REACH, WORSHIP. Jump into any one, but take CONNECT first because that gives you the whole LCC story and how you can become a member. Please register by September 22 online at lowcountrycc.org. This is free. Dinner and childcare are provided.
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY (FPU) - New Session starts Monday, September 26
Join in Dave Ramsey’s “Great Recovery” by taking our next FPU session which will be offered Monday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The first class entitled “Super Saving” is FREE to the public. Those wishing to participate in the remaining 12 classes pay a membership fee which includes class materials and a lifetime membership to FPU. Visit: lowcountrycc.org to register. Childcare is available for a small additional fee. For more information contact FPU Coordinator Brad at: [email protected] or 843.247.3947.
Our annual event is rapidly approaching and we need an army of volunteers, to help sort and work the event. Contact Tabitha at [email protected] to help. Thanks!
MEN OF THE BANNER - Bible Study, Thursdays beginning September 22 at 6:30 p.m.
This 7-week Bible Study, for MEN only, asks the hard questions and explores a man’s role as a leader as well as how to achieve purity in the home. For more information, or to register, contact Jimmy at 843.815.3211.
BEACH BAPTISM - Sunday, September 11 at 5:00 pm
Join us for our next baptism which will be held on beautiful Hilton Head Island at Chaplin Park (Burkes Beach Road & 278). This will be a great time to relax, eat some delicious food provided by Carrabbas, listen to great music and of course enjoy a beach baptism. See you there!
ADULTS: If you are ready to take the next step in your journey and be baptized, CLICK HERE to register. Congratulations!
PARENTS of children in grades three through five interested in baptism are required to attend a class called First Steps. Please contact Pastor Vinnie for more information on this class. Email Vinnie at: [email protected]
DIVORCE CARE - Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Beginning September 7.
DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. We will meet here Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. beginning September 7. Contact Brad at: (843) 422-0797 or [email protected].
“LET’S TALK” - An Opportunity for Dads to Bond with Their Sons. Begins September 17
Dads, is it time to have “the talk”? Do you want to have a better conversation with your son than your father had with you? Let us help narrow the communication gap. Come together on this 7-week journey to enhance your relationship with each other and God. It will be full of fun, NAS- CAR, worship, service and more. We will meet each Saturday evening at LCC for seven weeks beginning September 17 at 6:30 p.m. Cost for materials is $60 per family and scholarships are available. CLICK HERE to register.
WORSHIP BAND WORKSHOP - Saturday, October 1