Is God leading you to travel with us to Guatemala March 17 t0 25, 2012? Here are just a few of the things that we hope to accomplish on this trip:
Feeding ministries – to poor and children
Ministry to prostitutes – medical, encouragement, Bible study, beautification
Compassion ministry to disabled children in the hospital
Building ‘homes’ for a flood ravaged village
We will stay in a very nice Team House, but some nights may be spent in villages close to our construction projects.
Unfortunately, we can only take 12 people, so early registration is critical. Registration is not complete until you have turned in your deposit and application.
Application Deadline: January 22nd (application and $100 non-refundable deposit). Once the team fills up, we will have a waiting list for those who turn in deposits and applications. If an opening does not happen, you will receive your deposit back.
CLICK HERE for complete details and to start the registration process.